Has an energy source cheaper than coal been found? Could ‘black gold’ go out of favor? Have Australian researchers made solar harvest favorable?
By Emmanuel O. 
With global warming rapidly taking place, and the depletion of the non-renewable sources of energy, many have been skeptical of future life. This follows, after NASA’s current halt in space exploration and planetary probing, hence crushing the few hopes of life on Mars, had global warming consumed mother Earth. The beg for an answer, in the form of a powerful and popular renewable source of energy, has been the cry of humanity, and the thing that has got so many scientists off their bed early.
Well, this deafening cry for this impossible renewable source of energy has been heard. University of Queensland’s Professor Max Lu and team earlier announced that they have made a vital breakthrough, a defining moment for energy generation. Representing Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN), Professor Lu stated this ground breaking discovery would make solar energy extremely popular, with numerous benefits that it may offer. Solar energy is very promising and productive, but the depth that one has to dig into his or her pocket, deters the renewable source of energy.
It is said that the Australian researchers have managed to “grow the world’s first titanium oxide single crystals with large amounts of reactive surfaces”, according to natural-environment.com, which Professor Lu had noted was considered “almost impossible”.
With tension building on what exactly growing “titanium oxide single crystals” were or at resulted in, AIBN’s Lu went on to say that “Titania [plural of Titanium] nano-crystals are promising materials for cost-effective solar cells”, as well as “hydrogen production from splitting water”, and “solar decontamination of pollutants” writes natural-environment.com’s editorial team.
Simply put, the AIBN representative meant that not only does their breakthrough offer a new branch in power generation, it also offers a resolute solution to both air and water pollution. The breakthrough of University of Queensland’s lab researcher is not only a path to diverge our path to misery of global warming, but allows us to turn back and reverse some of the consequences of excessive dependency on non-renewable sources of energy.
Moreover, for this seeming game-changer, Professor Lu informed that the credit was not to be given to University of Queensland’s Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, but also in collaboration with Professor Huiming Cheng’s ‘Chinese Academy of Sciences.’